Stichting Ammodo, For arts, architecture and science

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Auditor’s statement from an independent auditor

Issued for the benefit of Stichting AMMODO

To: … (client)

We have audited the attached final financial statement/interim financial statement drawn up by (name of entity) of …. (statutory seat) for the period of …(dates of relevant period) in relation to their use of the Contribution from Foundation AMMODO(hereinafter: Ammodo) to …(name of Project).

Management’s responsibility

The (management) board of the entity in question is responsible for drawing up the final financial statement/interim financial statement in accordance with the agreement between Ammodo and (name of entity) of … (date). The board is also responsible for such internal checks as are deemed necessary to enable the preparation of a final financial statement/interim financial statement that is free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the final financial statement/interim financial statement based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with [relevant jurisdiction] law, including the [relevant jurisdiction] Standards on Auditing. This requires us to comply with certain ethical standards and to plan and perform our audit in order to gain a reasonable level of assurance that the final financial statement/interim financial statement does not contain any material misstatements.

An audit involves performing procedures to check the amounts given and the disclosures made in the final financial statement/interim financial statement. The procedures conducted are at the discretion of the auditor, partly based on an assessment of the risk that the final financial statement/interim financial statement may contain a material misstatement due to fraud or error.

In making these risk assessments, the auditor takes into consideration the internal checks that are carried out by an entity during the preparation of the final financial statement/interim financial statement, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. These risk assessments are not intended as an assessment of the effectiveness of the entity in question’s internal checks. An audit does include an evaluation of, and the expression of an opinion regarding, the appropriateness of accounting policies used for the preparation of the final financial statement/interim financial statement, as well as an evaluation of the overall impression given by the final financial statement/interim financial statement.

We believe that the information which we reviewed in order to carry out the audit is sufficient and appropriate to provide a proper basis upon which we can offer an opinion.


In our opinion, the final financial statement/interim financial statement of (name of entity) for the period … (period) for … (name of project) relating to the Contribution from Ammodo, show that the costs and revenues are in all material respects complete and correct, in accordance with the agreement between Ammodo and … (name of entity) of … (date).

Restriction in use and distribution

The final financial statement/ interim financial statement has been prepared for Ammodo in order to satisfy (name of entity’s) obligations under the agreement between Ammodo and (name of entity) entered into on (date). This means that the final financial statement / interim financial statement may not be appropriate for other purposes. The final financial statement / interim financial statement together with our auditor’s report is therefore intended solely for the benefit of (name of entity) and Ammodo and should not be distributed to or used by others.

Place and date

… (name of auditor’s practice)

… (name of auditor)