Since 2015 Foam presents a four-year exhibition series Next Level during the Unseen Photo Fair. Foam has chosen Next Level as a way of offering promising talented artists the opportunity to develop new work and increase their public recognition. The museum annually offers one artist the opportunity to organise his/her first major solo exhibition. Selection is conditional upon the artist having already proved him/herself and showing that he/she is innovative in the use of the medium of photography. The first two artists who have been invited to take part in the series are Anne De Vries (The Hague, 1977) and Melanie Bonajo (Heerlen, 1978). They have been asked to create new work for the exhibition. Ammodo supports Next Level because the series contributes to the creation of new work, the development of the participating artists and the display of their work to an international audience.
Anne de Vries, Steps of Recursion, Tuned XXL, 2012, photo: Anne de Vries